Dickinson Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ
CHAMBER Pictures
This is a collection of pictures showing inside the Kimball organ. Enjoy!
IV Mixture, Solo Harmonic Flute and Lieblich Flute in the foreground.
Kimball glockenspiel.
Here’s the Solo Tibia Clausa.
English Horn (Cor Anglais) is at the bottom; French Horn is on the top.
Left to right, the Orchestral Oboe, Oboe Horn, Quintadena and Tibia Clausa.
Some of the fabulous Kimball strings.
One of FIVE Vox Humanae.
The wooden pipes are Concert Flutes.
Vox Humana (left) and Marimba/Harp (right); tops of the wooden pipes in the bottom rear are the 16′ Diaphones.
32′ Bombarde at the top; part of the 16′ Open Diapason, bottom left and the 16′ Principal on the right.
In the very center is the Bassett Horn and the Gedeckt Celeste.
Straight down is the Gedeckt and an independent Diapason Chorus.
Saxophone pipes in foreground made by Trivo reeds in Maryland especially for this organ. Funds were provided by Lyn Larson.
Z-Tronics solid-state relays pictured above.